DAS 2024 - Paper submission

All papers submitted to the Conference should be edited using this template. For more details about paper template, editing rules and other important information see the Manuscript Templates for Conferences Proceedings on the IEEE website. A complete list of keywords may be found here. Papers missing to comply with this format will not be published.

The only way we may accept papers is by using the OpenConf interface:


Maximum 2 papers per author (as an author/co-author) may be accepted.

Conference organizers could be contacted by E-mail at:


or by regular mail at:

Universitatea "Stefan cel Mare" din Suceava
Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica si Stiinta Calculatoarelor
Development and Application Systems Conference - DAS 2024
Str. Universitatii, Nr.13
720229 Suceava, Romania


Accepted papers submission information and registration

All accepted papers authors' have to download the DAS 2024 / IEEE Xplore Conferences final paper template and use it to edit the final paper form (if not alredy did so). Do not alter/modify the header and the footer on the first page, do not modify any settings of the document. The .docx file has to be converted into .pdf format and checked on the PDF eXpress web-site (you need to create a personal account on the site, if you do not already have one). Use 61944X as the Conference ID. The deadline for checking the .pdf files for IEEE Xplore compatibility is May 07, 2024.

The .pdf file downloaded from PDF eXpress is labelled within its document properties as being "Certified by IEEE PDF eXpress", with an exact date and time stamp. Do not alter this file in any way.

If you need instructions on how to use the IEEE PDF Express site please read here: https://ieee-pdf-express.org/External/UsingIEEEPDFeXpress

This .pdf file has to be renamed as DAS2024-PaperID-paper.pdf (for example DAS2024-25-paper.pdf if your paper has 25 as PaperID in OpenConf) and sent together with the Electronic Copyright Form (go to the OpenConf paper submission status and access the eCF form) and the registration form.

The files you have to prepare and send for registration are:

1. DAS2024-PaperID-paper.docx (for example DAS2024-25-paper.docx) - Used to produce the PDF file
2. DAS2024-PaperID-paper.pdf (for example DAS2024-25-paper.pdf) - Certified by IEEE PDF eXpress
3. DAS2024-PaperID-copyright.pdf (for example DAS2024-25-copyright.pdf) - Received from the IEEE eCF server
4. DAS2024-PaperID-registration.pdf (for example DAS2024-25-registration.pdf)

All documents should be sent attached to a single E-mail message with the subject "DAS2024-Registration-PaperID" (for example DAS2024-25-Registration) to:


If you have two accepted papers, you should send two separate E-mails, one for each PaperID. A confirmation E-mail message will be sent in at most 72 hours.

1. Use of IEEE paper template (including the styles defined there) is mandatory. It's strongly recommended to use an equation editor if you have equations in the paper.
2. Pay attention to pictures quality, and equations (be sure the equations are not saved as pictures). No blank lines are allowed for text spacing. Papers not complying with the template and IEEE Conferences editing and format restrictions will not be sent to IEEE Xplore.
3. The originality of all papers will be checked by plagiarism detection and prevention software. Any originality questionable papers will be rejected, even they have been accepted in the initial evaluation phase or even they have been presented at the Conference.

Updated: April 24, 2024

The paper submission deadline has been extended to March 29, 2024.
Paper template
All papers should to be edited following the rules from this template.
No-Show policy
Authors who fail to present their paper leave a gap in the program, which is unacceptable for the conference audience. The IEEE has implemented policies to exclude authors who do not present their paper from further distribution of their publication, such as exclusion from IEEE Xplore.