Ilmenau University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Automation, Ilmenau, GERMANY

Research interests:
efficient development of software architectures and product lines in different application domains, analysis and assessment of software architectures, methods and tools for software development

Keynote address:
Inside Neural Networks

Machine learning became a prominent technology with artificial neural networks as its current and highly discussed model. Although the results of image analysis / recognition or speech detection are very promising the analysis of neural networks itself and their behavior is still a very hard task due to the complexity of the models. Even a single software neuron puts high demands on the assessment of software quality aspects. Current models with thousands of interconnected neurons require by far more elaborated software tools and methods.

This paper gives a software engineering overview of the current state in analyzing neural networks within the software development life-cycle. It addresses the limits of using neural networks and emphasizes the corresponding pitfalls a software engineer has to cope with.

Detlef STREITFERDT is the leading of the Software Architectures and Product Lines group at the Ilmenau University of Technology since August 2010. The research fields are the efficient development of software architectures and product lines, their analysis and their assessment as well as software development processes and model-driven development. Before that, he was Principal Scientist at the ABB AG Corporate Research Center in Ladenburg, Germany, where he started 2005. He was working in the field of software development for embedded systems. Detlef studied Computer Science at the University of Stuttgart and spent a year of his studies at the University of Waterloo in Canada and graduated 1999. He received his doctoral degree from the Technical University of Ilmenau in the field of Requirements Engineering for Product Line Software Development in 2004.

DAS 2022
Keynote Speaker



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